Viewing and printing of ePost message for delivery are included in Delivery and Postman Management System in CSI. New options like invoicing of ePost messages, printing of ePost Delivery Manifest, Delivery confirmation, etc are also included in this application.
This Screen allows to View/Download E-Post to be delivered.
1. On the Delivery and Postman Management System – Main Screen, click View/Download EPostlink under Miscellaneous block.
2. Facility ID, Facility Name, Pin code and date will be fetched based on the User ID.
4. On clicking enter button below shown screen will appear.
5. Click on Print/Save file
6. Click on save button and data will be saved successfully.
EPOST Delivery Outbound
This screen allows you to Issue the EPost to the postman.
1. On the Delivery and Post Management System – Main Screen, click EPost outbound scanning link under Miscellaneous block.
2. Facility ID, Pin code, Shift will be auto populated based on user id used for login. Batch1 will be auto populated. Batch1 can be changed to Batch2 if required manually on the screen.
3. Select Beat ID, this will auto populate Employee ID.
5. After clicking Enter button below shown screen will automatically appear here.
6. To include booking IDs select the adjacent check box.
7. Click Save button.
8. The message data saved successfully appears.
10. Click the print button in the EPOST Delivery Outbound screen.
11. The adjacent print view will appear.
12. This will have information regarding EPost, Payment details.
13. Receipt name and signature area would be there.
14. This will also mention the Employee ID.
EPost Delivery Confirmation
The EPost Delivery Confirmation screen allows you to update the status of EPost.
1. On the Delivery and Postman Management System – Main Screen, click EPost Delivery Confirmation link under Miscellaneousblock.
2. Facility ID, Pin code, Shift will be auto populated based on user id used for login. Batch1 will be auto populated. Batch1 can be changed to Batch2 if required manually on the screen .
3. Select Beat ID, this will auto populate Employee ID.
5. After clicking Enter button below screen will appear.
6. Non delivery reasons can be captured as per normal delivery of articles.
7. Email functionality is provided for Corporate customers to send them status of their EPost articles.
8. Click on Savebutton.
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