For uploading the account numbers and amount deposited, a .txt file is to be created. For this purpose, data has to be entered in a template of an excel file (sample given in the next column) for creating the txt file in required format.
In the Excel sheet, do the following as shown below (screenshots included)
1. Select the Type as “SB” from the list.
2. Column1 is for account numbers, column 2 for Transaction Amount.
3. After Clicking on Generate File, the generated file name will be SB<Generated_Date>_<Sum_of_TranAmount>.TXT
The Bulk data (.txt file) upload can be done through CSBTM menu. In CSBTM menu using browse button select the txt file made in the above step. Then click on Upload. The reports of success or failure will be shown in HPR menu.
Screenshot 1 : CSBTM menu details page
Screenshot 2 :Click on Browse and Select the text file from D/.
Screenshot 3 :Click on Upload
Screenshot 4 :CSBTM result page
Screenshot 5:HPR-success and failure reports generated
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